03.21.2013 – From Russia with WNG

Posted on: March 21st, 2013 by Calvin

From Russia with WNG


On January 9-11th, Wessell, Nicel & Gross, together with the Association of Russian Piano Masters, hosted its second-ever training session at the Central Musical School of Moscow.

The event was an overwhelming success with WNG’s Chief European Technician, Ludvig Vasicek, leading the class and 60+ technicians from every corner Russia in attendance.

As is typical of every Wessell, Nickel & Gross training session, core aspects of WNG’s actions such as reduction of torque, improved energy transmission via carbon tube shanks, and composite material’s extremely low maintenance were easily demonstrated and appreciated.

The training seminar culminated in a concert finale, played on a piano that had just been outfitted with a new WNG action by the class. The piano performed exceptionally well, and everyone in attendance who had an opportunity to try the newly outfitted piano noted the smooth touch, excellent control, and extremely wide spectrum of sound that it was now capable of.

Though there are no further classes scheduled to take place in Russia for the rest of the year, additional classes in Finland, Germany, Belgium, and the UK are planned for 2013. If you are interested in participating, please contact Ludwig Vasicek at lgvasicek@pianodisc.de for more information.