Meet Marvin Rus, Chief Concert Technician for Eastman School of Music

Posted on: November 12th, 2015 by Calvin

Marvin began his career in 1983 at Michigan State University and studied with noted technicia, Owen Jorgenson. Later, from 1987-1992, he became the “Coordinator of Keyboard Technology” at Wichita State University. Marvin has worked for Eastman School of Music since 1993 and has been rebuilding the schools’ old and worn-out pianos with Wessell, Nickel and Gross composite parts.

Featured is Marvin’s personal Mason & Hamlin Model A. James Reeder Pianos refinished and did the belly work on the piano. Marvin installed a WNG back action and top action stack on a WNG keyboard. To date, with the help of Jim Reeder, Marvin has completely restored over a dozen pianos, a couple dozen with individual components, and about 10 personal rebuilds.





WNG Keyboard and WNG assembled top action.


WNG assembled damper action.


Rascal wanted to pose as well with Marvin’s beautifully completed rebuild that will be cherished for many, many years!


With the WNG composite action many problems associated with wood actions just disappear, such as:

  • Centerpin resistance that will not change with humidity
  • Composite shanks that have consistent strength and do not warp
  • Screws that will not loosen as in wood parts
  • Hard anodized capstans and key pins that minimize friction

Also, WNG has excellent features such as:

  • Adjustable damper helper springs to increase dampening for large pianos
  • Adjustable damper lever capstans
  • Spoons on damper underlevers for ease of adjustment
  • Choice of leading options for damper underlevers


  • Customize Repetitions, Shanks and Flanges
  • Adjustable repetition helper spring options
  • Repetitions with fourteen heel placement locations
  • Three different jack types
  • Knuckles can be attached or unattached
  • The WNG precision system locates the knuckle from 15 mm to 19mm in .5mm increments