Marvin began his career in 1983 at Michigan State University and studied with noted technicia, Owen Jorgenson. Later, from 1987-1992, he became the “Coordinator of Keyboard Technology” at Wichita State University. Marvin has worked for Eastman School of Music since 1993 and has been rebuilding the schools’ old and worn-out pianos with Wessell, Nickel and Gross composite parts.
Featured is Marvin’s personal Mason & Hamlin Model A. James Reeder Pianos refinished and did the belly work on the piano. Marvin installed a WNG back action and top action stack on a WNG keyboard. To date, with the help of Jim Reeder, Marvin has completely restored over a dozen pianos, a couple dozen with individual components, and about 10 personal rebuilds.
With the WNG composite action many problems associated with wood actions just disappear, such as:
- Centerpin resistance that will not change with humidity
- Composite shanks that have consistent strength and do not warp
- Screws that will not loosen as in wood parts
- Hard anodized capstans and key pins that minimize friction
Also, WNG has excellent features such as:
- Adjustable damper helper springs to increase dampening for large pianos
- Adjustable damper lever capstans
- Spoons on damper underlevers for ease of adjustment
- Choice of leading options for damper underlevers
- Customize Repetitions, Shanks and Flanges
- Adjustable repetition helper spring options
- Repetitions with fourteen heel placement locations
- Three different jack types
- Knuckles can be attached or unattached
- The WNG precision system locates the knuckle from 15 mm to 19mm in .5mm increments